First Baptist Church of Holly January 21, 2020 Expositional Preaching 12.24.19 The Light of the World, John 8, Christmas Eve First Baptist Church of Holly January 21, 2020 Expositional Preaching
First Baptist Church of Holly December 11, 2018 Luke, Expositional Preaching Luke 4:31-44, A Word with Authority: Our Preaching Savior, December 9, 2018 First Baptist Church of Holly December 11, 2018 Luke, Expositional Preaching
First Baptist Church of Holly November 13, 2018 Expositional Preaching, Luke Luke 3:21-38, Son of God and Son of Man, November 11, 2018 First Baptist Church of Holly November 13, 2018 Expositional Preaching, Luke
First Baptist Church of Holly October 16, 2018 Luke Luke 2:22-40, The Rise and Fall of Many, October 14, 2018 First Baptist Church of Holly October 16, 2018 Luke