03.01.20 Seeing Jesus, Luke 24:13-35
02.23.20 Remember His Words, Luke 24:1-12
02.16.20 The Kingdom and the Crucified King, Luke 23:26-56
02.09.20, Jesus, Your Judge, Condemned for You, Luke 22:66-23:25
01.26.20, The Hour of Darkness, Luke 22:39-65
01.19.20 Humility in Darkness, Luke 22:24-38
01.12.20, The Plan of God for the Blood of Christ, Luke 22:1-23
1.05.20, Jesus Tells the Future, Luke 21:20-38
12.29.19 The Vine, John 15
12.24.19 The Light of the World, John 8, Christmas Eve
12.22.19 The Resurrection and the Life, John 11
12.15.19 The Bread of Life, John 6
12.08.19, Meeting Jesus at a Wedding, John 2:1-12
12.01.19 Joy in Christian Fellowship
1 John 1:1-4
11.24.19 Give Thanks
Psalm 145