Leadership Development

In February 2019, Pastor Phil led a series of discussions examining church leadership as portrayed in the New Testament. Each series covers a different topic, from the definition of roles to the responsibilities of those in leadership. For further information on a topic or to share a question or comment, please email Pastor Phil at phil.martyn@fbcholly.org.

Current Series

Winter 2019: Biblical Study of Church Leadership

Please note: Audio is not available for the first two sessions of the series.

Session 1 - February 24, 2019: What is an elder? What is a deacon? Who can serve in leadership?

Download Session 1 notes

Session 2 - March 3, 2019: How do elders lead? Servant Leadership

Download Session 2 Notes

Session 3 - March 10, 2019: What are deacons and how do they relate to elders?

Download Session 3 Notes

Session 4 - March 17, 2019: What are deacons and how do they relate to elders? (Part 2)

Download Session 4 Notes

Session 5 - March 24, 2019

Audio is not available for this session. Please contact Pastor Phil with any questions at phil.martyn@fbcholly.org.

Upcoming Series

Spring 2019: Studying the Bible for Preaching and Teaching (Begins April 28th)

Fall 2019: Sharpening Your Sword—Listening to Others Prepare to Teach

Winter 2020: Praying and Teaching Others to Pray

Spring 2020: Doing Theology/Thinking Systematically about the Bible

Fall 2020: Discipleship, Hospitality, and Evangelism